The annual meeting of the Lake of the Ozarks Regional Economic Development Council (LOREDC) was held on Thursday, January 18th, 2024, at The Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks/Encore Conference facility. The informative program reviewed the organization’s updates from the past year, presented 7 Impact Awards, elected new Board Members and addressed some minor business before closing. Committee chairs of the organization shared key efforts that took place during the 2023 year such as the Annual Workforce Roundtable Summit, the continued gathering of regional data analytics and commercial recruitment through the partnership with Next Site, the hospitality feasibility study produced by Growth Services Group, and lastly the continued progress of fundraising for the upcoming feasibility study, which has been set as a priority project to move the Strategic Plan forward transitioning the organization from a full volunteer operation to having paid staff persons.

For 19 years LOREDC has been recognizing outstanding businesses and community leaders in our tri-county region at their annual meeting. To date, LOREDC has had the opportunity to award 73 deserving businesses and persons as well as recognize many additional commendable nominees. The Impact Awards honor individuals and organizations doing work vital to the ongoing growth and expansion occurring throughout the Lake of the Ozarks region.

Nominations for leadership, projects that occurred in 2023, and longstanding accomplishments were received during our nominations period last fall and LOREDC is proud to recognize those nominees who have made significant investments or decisions leading to the creation and retention of jobs and improving the quality of life in the area.
One of those award winners was Jeff Vernetti. The Community Champion Award was created to recognize those who are known for spearheading improvement efforts in the community. Many of Jeff’s efforts were acknowledged during this award presentation including turning 200 raw acres in Camden County into one of the premier attractions in Missouri, Ballparks National. Two other efforts of his were identified, the LOZ Sports Training facility in Osage Beach as well as his newly established Vernetti’s Italian Grocer on the square in Camdenton.
More information can be found online at